It's possible to live more sustainably and comfortably with smartphone apps. Here are 5 must-have green apps for a greener life.


Get on the bus without a ticket? You can buy it with this app. And that's not all. Superhub, or "Sustainable and persuasive human user MoBility in the cities of the future," is the green alternative to Google Maps, presented in November 2014 in Milan. This new application, for PCs and smartphones, provides information on transportation means and services allowing the user to choose the route with the lowest environmental impact. Through this application, it is also possible to buy travel tickets online and send feedback in real time, in order to translate this information into tools for planning and improving public transport. Superhub is the result of three years of experimentation between Milan, Helsinki and Barcelona.


Need a moisturizer or what to put on your face? The Biotiful App contains a database with over 25,000 cosmetic products on the market and aims to collect information for the evaluation of their INCI (International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients). INCI is an international name that indicates on the label the different ingredients of cosmetics, which consumers, especially women, are paying more and more attention to. Thanks to the barcode reader, you can use your device's camera to quickly and accurately track down the product information to be analyzed. You can also manually enter the product and the list of ingredients to get an immediate assessment of the product. The goal of the application is not to support organic products at all costs, but to offer an objective evaluation of the effects of products based on an in-depth analysis of their ingredients.


Ham paper, light bulbs, corks... where to throw them away? Just look on "raccolta rifiutu", a waste collection application. This application that aims to help people to sort waste correctly. It is in fact undeniable that it is important to sort properly the items to be thrown away to reduce disposal costs and avoid possible heavy fines. In the application, there is a list of products and, for each of them, it is indicated in a simple way (a customizable colored square) the most appropriate garbage can where to deposit the waste. The following elements are also present in the application: a useful list of symbols used for different types of materials (plastics, types of paper, etc.) that help with allocation a calendar to set the days of the week and the corresponding waste to be disposed of useful tips on how to recycle properly and spend wisely a section to indicate other products to be inserted.


Make your roof smile by taking a picture of it. Available for free on the App Store, Super Solar with a photo shoot can give an indication of how many solar panels a roof can hold. It's also possible to simulate bill savings based on the orientation of the house, location and type of system, as well as its payback period.


Vivi Aware is a quarterly magazine from Macrolibrarsi that aims to spread natural products and knowledge that enable people and communities to experience greater well-being and inner growth. The magazine, with interesting and level content, is now accessible for free with an application, so that as many people as possible can enjoy it. Topics: energy conservation, best practice habits, bio-architecture and green building, natural therapies, self-sufficiency, permaculture, degrowth, transitional culture, waste recycling and many more.

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